Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 18 On the Plane

By the Time we got to Dulles Airport, I was already homesick and exhausted. I called Guy David in tears and asked him to come and get me. LOL   We came the night before and spent the night in Newark. We got up and I believe we got to the airport at about 8, caught our flight around 10 , and then once we got to the airport in Dulles we had a 9 hour layover. Oh and if you only could have seen Marge, Sarah and I trying to get all of this heavy luggage where it needed to be. There was a scene on the escalator that I am sure if someone was video taping it we could have won  a million dollars on AFV. I still laugh every time I think about it!!  The time spent at Dulles Airport was so long!!!!! I had no book w/ me and was depending on the Ipod where I had downloaded " Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson. We had charged the ipod before I left and for some reason it was already drained and I did not even use it. So I decided I would get out my little computer and go on facebook, etc. Well, I could not sign in to anything even though it kept saying I was connected. So much for technology and I was faced w/ the fact that if I was not able to use them here in the states then the chances I would be able to use them in Africa was slim and I began to struggle. The day before I left, I downloaded skype at the suggestion of my Aunt and was so excited knowing that if and when I could get  online I would be able to talk to my family. Now, I was faced w/ the thought of not being able to talk w/ them while I was away again. That and  NO BOOK!!!! Yep, I just wanted to go home!!! I love my husband dearly  but if I ever go on a trip like this again , he is not going to be around when I pack. I wanted to pack a book , my hairdryer and some makeup. He kept giving me the guilt trip as we were struggling keeping the weight at 50 lbs for one bag and I had already decided that I would go over on one and pay the $50 extra but was struggling keeping that bag at 70 lbs. He would say say, " Hmmmm, would you rather take that stuff or donations for the kids?"  School supplies are so heavy!!! even trying to keep my carry on at 15 lbs was a struggle as I was stuffing crayons and chalk into it. Now , though I have to say I wish I would have left a couple more boxes of crayons and chalk and taken at least my hair dryer.  Those who know me ,know that I am no diva but boy did I have some real bad hair days and yes, it bothered me (embarrassed to say) !!!!!! To top it off, something happened that brought out just about every insecurity I had and I so longed to be home  w/ those who knew me,knew my heart, knew my struggles, and loved me despite it all.At that moment , I was even more grateful that Marge and Sara were there w/ me!!! I just kept praying and reminding myself that I did not want to let anything hinder me from being used fully by God and reminding myself that it was not at all about me!!!!
                      We soon met the whole team and started to feel a little more at ease. I could tell right from the start that this was an awesome team!!!! Everyone was so friendly  and helpful!!! I started to relax and get excited!!
                     Marge and Sarah made sure I got a window seat and I was so happy!!! Here are some shots from my flights:


1 comment:

  1. Nice shots!
    I bet you looked gorgeous in the eyes of your Maker Jennifer!
