Monday, August 2, 2010

I am Home!!!

Good Morning  all!!!! After a very long day of flying, I along w/ Marge and Sarah are home!! When we got to Dulles we had a 4 hour layover and then a quick flight to Newark  and then I would see my husband.I was counting the hours.  We were so close but so far away. First , we had a delay because they were doing maintenance on the plane. I wasn't sure whether to feel good or bad about that. Then they decided to put us on another plane. Good thing because  the other plane only had one propeller working.  We got on the plane ,it started moving and then it stopped. We were told that we did not have the okay to take off because there were other planes circling and waiting to land at Newark due to bad weather. After awhile, We were taken back to the gate and had to go back into the airport. We waited there for about another hour and were loaded onto the plane. We thought ,"Ok, now we are out of here." We were so anxious to see our families!! No such luck.  We got on the plane ,got into our seats and were given the "Psych." We seriously thought the pilot was joking when he said  that we could not leave after all. We were then given the option to get off and seek out renting a car  or staying on and waiting to see if  we would be able to leave. Once you got off of the plane you could not get back on. This was the closest  thing to a breakdown I had the whole time I was on the trip. ( I think;0) ) It was close to a temper tantrum, I must confess. To top it all off I was in that last seat right by the bathroom and let's just say  who knows when the last time they did lavatory servicing was. I sat there and cried because I was so frustrated , because I so wanted to see Guy David, because the smell was making me sick and because I was so embarrassed of how I was acting and what I was feeling. The stewardess ended up bringing a bag of coffee back and putting it into the bathroom. It did help. This was after I tried to move to a different seat once others chose to get off and was told I could not. That's when the temper tantrum almost happened.  I am so ashamed but in my defense ( Though I feel there really is none) I felt done a couple of days before  and just kept fighting through and kept saying to myself, " It's not about me." I failed once I got to America and it truly makes me feel sick!!! I expected  a clean smelling plane, I expected to  have a flight actually go smoothly once I got to America etc. etc. So , I felt like a spoiled brat and I cannot believe I have shared this with you!!! I pray that I get to a place that it is never about me like so many of the amazing people I met in Africa.
               I can't even explain how good it felt to finally land in Newark and to walk through those gates to baggage and see my husband standing there.I had waited for one of those amazing hugs he gives for so long!!!! I love him so much and I don't think I was ever so happy to see him in my life!!!! It was a such a long night  but so good. I cannot share about my trip w/ out tears. I prayed that the Lord would break my heart for what breaks his and he did. And now , I am so overwhelmed and wondering how I will put it into words and right now I just can't. I am going to take a day  and then plan to share here one day at a time. I am sad to say that I forgot to take my camera battery charger so I will need to get pics of Ethiopia from my new friends. What an amazing team I went w/ BTW!!!!!! God could not have sent me w/ better people. I was blessed beyond my expectations!!! I seriously liked every single one of my teammates and one of them reminded so much of my brother Ryan. He had the same kind of humor so I laughed alot. What a comfort it was to me!!!!! Thank you, Kevin!!!! Hopefully it did not freak you out too much that I kind of adopted you as my brother for the trip!! LOL
              Thank you so much for all of your prayers!! I felt them in a huge way!!!! Thank you to all of you who helped make this happen for me!! I was right where God wanted me !! There were times I questioned but God was so good. How funny that I say that like I am surprised.At those times when I was anxious about my safety etc. I would just remember how far God had already brought me and how he just kept working things out making it possible for me to even go on this trip and this verse kept coming to my mind ; Philippians 1:6 And I am certain that God , who began the good work within you,will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. NLT
             I am now heading for another cup of coffee and hopefully will be able to share some of my pics w/ my family. Guy David took the day off to be w/ me!!! And I am so grateful as I am pretty much an emotional wreck!!! It is so weird to be here,to sleep in my bed, to flush the toilet paper,to hear my washer going, to see my clutter piles...all while thinking of my friends in Africa who have so little in things but have such joy of the Lord. We will never forget the children that we asked where their home was and they would point up to the sky and say,"It is in Heaven w/ my Father!!" Most of these were orphans and some had HIV or were sick in other ways. Never have I witnessed such a joy  and a love for the Lord!!!


  1. I am soooo eager to see you and talk to you! I was wondering if you had made it home from Dulles and am glad to know the details :). I suppose I should let you have one day w/ your family before I bug you!!! Love you lots! I missed you terribly :)

  2. Oh boy I missed you! Looking forward to your wonderful story!!


  3. Jen,
    So good to read about your time in Africa. God certainly met you there and used you and the others to minister to those beautiful children. But I know you gained even more than you expected. That is always how God works.
    Thankful for your experience. Barb
    p.s. I told you it would be ok :-)
