Monday, May 17, 2010

With a Grateful Heart


This may be a long post and one that is all over the place. My thoughts and emotions are all over the place but I need to share my heart with you!!!!!

Yesterday on my way to church I was really feeling bad about not publically thanking my Dad at the Spaghetti Spring Fling. Though he had not done anything for the dinner,he has blessed me in such a special way. I had in my head all I wanted to say when I got up there but totally forgot so much. I thanked my Mom and Ryan but forgot Terry ,who paid for the use of the VFW.My Mother in law made a beautiful quilt to auction off. My Father in law was willing to donate all of his time for a Horse and Wagon ride someone could have won in the silent auction for less than half the price. I have seen all that goes into that  and know what a huge sacrifice that was. Any way the list is huge. How in the world could I thank everyone? Ok, back to my dad a couple of weeks ago he asked me if I had enough money  to get my shots. I told him that I really didn't but I would do what I needed to and it would all work out. He then let me know that he would pay for all of my shots because this was my dream and he wanted it to come true w/ as little stress as possible. This is after he already gave me a very generous donation towards my trip. ** sigh** and tearing up as I write.  I am overwhelmed and feel this kind of support of wanting  to help make my dreams come true from all of my parents. I am grateful beyond  what  words can express. This same kind of support is coming from so many of my family and friends and I feel blessed!!

Once I got to church and stood up to sing and worship, I realized that I never mentioned a word about the Lord and all He has done for me so far for this trip. With out Him this wouldn't even be my desire to get on a plane and fly 13 hours to Africa and w/out Him it would not even be happening!! I am in awe of my Father in Heaven and how He wants to make my dreams come true!! There is noone who knows me better or loves me more. I just feel the need to brag about Him today!! For the past 5 years or so , I have seen Him bless me in so many ways. Well, he certainly always has but never have I felt a closer walk w/ Him and have truly believed that He loves me. I had the knowledge that he did but didn't fully believe. Quite honestly I was extremely depressed back then and just cried out to him.   I am not sure of all the reasons but here is one :  I have this huge desire to  to adopt. My heart has always broke for children who are abused or do not have the love of a mommy and daddy. I never really thought of adopting until I was blessed to be a part of the journey my friend Sarah and her husband got go on to adopt their daughter from China. I remember going to her house to pray for that little one. Then it was time to decide what we were going to do in memory of our first little girl, Alayna. I had always wanted to do something but could never figure out what. After learning more about the orphans of the world through Sarah and Bobs' adoption ,it hit me that our little girl received more love in her 2 weeks on this earth than what some of these children get in their lifetime.  Believe me , the more you become educated about the orphans of this world, there is no way that you canlook the other way and not feel like you need to do something.I ,then, knew that whatever we did to remember Alayna was going to help orphans. That is how our Pie Sale was started. Every year  around Alayna's Birthday  we have a Pie Sale and the money goes to sponsorships  and helping children in need in some way. This year we were able to donate to Smile Train and help 3 children receive cleft palate surgeries.  So , I have continued wanting to adopt and unfortuneately my husbad does not have this desire. I say this w/ great respect to my husband and in no way do I want in any way want to make him look bad. He is a very generous, kind and loving man. But I certainly have let this come between us in the past.  Not too long ago after many times giving it to the Lord and then taking it back, I finally left it all in His hands. I started praying that God would show me what to do w/ all that was in my heart. I was finally able to accept that adoption just may not be in the plans for us but I knew God had placed something in my heart for a reason.  It was soon after I prayed that prayer that I heard about this Missions Trip and felt the Lord calling me to go. This so out my comfort zone but I have a full trust and think about this verse often: Phillipians 1:6 being confident of this very thing,that He who has begun a good work in you  will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ 
 God has really been meeting my every need so far throughout this process and I know He will continue. Though, the road doesn't always feel smooth . That is for sure. I have to admit that I was very stressed as I was spending money on this event and not seeing a whole bunch of tickets sold. I was spending money I did not have and was very tired too. Saturday Morning , I was finishing an apron and Guy David took the kids to the VFW to start setting up. I had a wonderful time in prayer. I felt a peace wash over me and knew He would provide. So I say thankyou to God for all he has done for me and for loving me so much and for giving me the desires of my heart. He has blessed me w/ my familys and friends support  and has sent very generous people my way.

I thanked my Dad yesterday for saying the blessing and he said," I find if I think too much I am nervous but if I just speak from my heart it just flows." So I am here this morning speaking from my heart. My brother said something at the dinner that made me feel bad... Certainly not in a bad way ..he was blessing me...but he said in a joking way something like " me going on this trip made him feel like a smuck." I write all of this not to make anyone feel like a smuck. God calls us all to different things and has created us all unique and special w/ our own gifts and desires. The important thing is just to obey to whatever He calls you to. There is my heart and here are a few shots from the dinner. I was too busy to take the pics I wanted too. Oh well!! Ry and Shell made a scrapbook for me out of the shots from the photo booth!!! I have been having fun looking at that this morning!!! Actually i will post pics soon. I had uploaded 5 and then lost them and decided not to wait to post. :0) Thank you again to all of you !!


  1. Thank you for sharing from your heart...what a blessing to have God call you to do something like this and then provide the way for you to go! God is so good to us! I am so excited for you and your trip...and I can't wait to see what God leads you to do for the orphans with your leftover money. Praying for you...Love you!
    XOXOXO ~Faith

  2. Love your LONG post :) Eager to see the pics ... when life slows down for you!
    Love & prayers,
