Monday, May 10, 2010

And the winner is.......

We did pick the winner yesterday at 6:00 pm but then I left to take my Mom out for Mother's Day. My assistant and I put all the names in a hat and then picked one.

Wish you all could have won but the one who did is .........

Drum roll please...........

And the winner of this adorable apron is...........


Congratualtions girl!!! It will look adorable on you!!!

Maybe she will wear it to the dinner. ;0)

And for those who did not win, there will actually be 2 at the dinner that will be auctioned off along w/ some other homemade goodies!!! So excited!!! 

Thank you all for visiting my blog and voting, etc. It was so fun for me to have my very first blog giveaway!!

I still am not sure what the second sauce will be. ***Sigh**** Still considering your votes and weighing the costs.Looking forward to seeing you there!!!


  1. Hahahaha!! I will wear it with Pride!!

    Thanks girl!!

  2. Darling giveaway. Just now getting back to you after you left that sweet comment on my India cover photo post. Life's been rather hectic in my area lately.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and comment!
